About Me

Jo initially studied Fine Arts at Aristotle University, Greece. However, she always wanted to step into makeup artistry, thus she decided to take upa course at a professional makeup school. Very soon she realised that beauty makeup was all she wanted to do in life.

“I never imagined doing anything else but making women beautiful”

After her graduation, Jo started working in luxury departments. Her first job was as a makeup artist at MAC Cosmetics, where she managed very quickly to acquire the position of a senior makeup artist. After a few months of working as a senior makeup artist for MAC, she was offered a job as a regional makeup artist for YSL Beauty.In the meantime, she was freelancing for weddings, events and photoshoots.

“These years really helped me understand women’s needs in beauty and become more experienced in various skin conditions.”

In 2018 she decided to move to London, where she continued her career as a head makeup artist for YSL Beauty at Harrods. Her creative side led her to attend a course at the London College of Fashion, in creative direction and editorial styling. Ever since, she has been working in editorial shoots, collaborating with various stylists, as well as taking over clients for special events and weddings across London and in her homeland, Greece.